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The Law of Attraction: Is it New Age?

The Law of Attraction has gained significant attention and popularity in recent years, but its origins and principles date back centuries. It is often associated with New Age beliefs, but is it truly a New Age concept? In this article, we will explore the Law of Attraction, its origins, key principles, and whether or not it can be classified as New Age.

The Law of Attraction revolves around the idea that our thoughts and energy have the power to manifest our desires and shape our reality. It suggests that like attracts like, and by visualizing and focusing on what we want, we can bring it into our lives. The Law of Attraction has been interpreted and integrated into various belief systems throughout history.

To understand its origins, we will delve into the historical background, exploring the influence of movements like New Thought and how they shaped the concept of the Law of Attraction. we will examine modern interpretations and how they have evolved over time.

attracting wealth and abundance

Next, we will explore the key principles of the Law of Attraction, including the relationship between thoughts and energy, the concept of like attracting like, and the role of manifestation and visualization.

One of the main points of contention surrounding the Law of Attraction is its classification as a New Age belief. To address this controversy, we will define the New Age movement and compare its beliefs with those of the Law of Attraction.

Furthermore, we will delve into the criticism and support for the Law of Attraction. While skeptics offer scientific critiques and question its validity, many individuals swear by the personal testimonials and success stories linked to the Law of Attraction.

Lastly, we will discuss the practical application of the Law of Attraction. This includes techniques such as positive thinking, affirmations, goal setting, action planning, gratitude, and mindfulness, all of which aim to harness the power of the Law of Attraction in everyday life.

By delving into the origins, principles, controversy, and practical application of the Law of Attraction, we hope to provide a comprehensive understanding of this concept and its place within the realm of New Age beliefs.

The Law of Attraction: What is it?

The Law of Attraction is a belief system that suggests that thoughts and emotions can attract positive or negative experiences into a person’s life. It is based on the idea that like attracts like, and that individuals have the power to manifest their desires through their thoughts and intentions. This concept gained popularity in recent years, particularly after the release of the book and movie “The Secret”.

The Law of Attraction emphasizes the importance of positive thinking, visualization, and gratitude in order to attract desired outcomes. It encourages individuals to focus on their goals and desires, believing that by aligning their thoughts and emotions with what they want, they can attract those things into their reality. While some people believe strongly in the Law of Attraction and credit it with their success, others remain skeptical of its claims.

Regardless, it remains a popular topic of discussion and exploration in the personal development and self-help communities.

What is The Law of Attraction?

Origins of the Law of Attraction


The origins of the Law of Attraction are a fascinating journey through time. Discover the historical background, the influence of the New Thought Movement, and the modern interpretations that have shaped this powerful belief system. Delve into the past and explore how the Law of Attraction has evolved, igniting minds and sparking endless possibilities along the way. Brace yourself for a mind-expanding exploration of the roots of this captivating phenomenon.

Historical Background

The historical background of the Law of Attraction can be traced back to the early 19th century. It finds its roots in the teachings of philosopher and metaphysician Phineas Quimby, who firmly believed that thoughts and beliefs have the power to shape our reality. These ideas put forth by Quimby greatly influenced the New Thought Movement, which emerged during the late 19th century. This movement emphasized the significance of positive thinking and the notion that individuals can manifest their desires through their thoughts and beliefs.

As the early 20th century rolled in, the New Thought Movement gained widespread popularity and attracted notable figures such as Napoleon Hill and Wallace Wattles. These individuals further developed the principles of the Law of Attraction. Hill’s renowned book “Think and Grow Rich” and Wattles’ influential work “The Science of Getting Rich” became seminal works that advocated the idea that success and abundance can be achieved through the power of the mind.

In more recent times, the Law of Attraction has garnered even more attention, especially with the release of the book and documentary film “The Secret” in the early 2000s. This modern interpretation presented the Law of Attraction as a universal law that governs the manifestation of our desires.

Understanding the historical background of the Law of Attraction enables us to acknowledge its origins in metaphysical and philosophical teachings of the past. By delving into its roots, we can develop a greater appreciation for its evolution and the profound impact it has had on personal development and self-improvement.

Pro-tip: Take the time to familiarize yourself with the historical context behind the Law of Attraction. Doing so will grant you a deeper understanding of its principles and how they have evolved over time. This knowledge, in turn, can enhance your ability to effectively apply the Law of Attraction in your own life.

Influence of New Thought Movement

The New Thought movement had a tremendous impact on the development of the Law of Attraction. This movement emerged during the late 19th century and early 20th century as a spiritual and philosophical movement that placed a strong emphasis on the power of the mind. It believed that one’s thoughts have the ability to shape their reality.

The New Thought movement introduced the concept that individuals possess the power to attract positive experiences and materialize their desires through the practice of positive thinking and visualization techniques. It stressed the significance of focusing on desired outcomes and maintaining a positive mindset in order to draw these outcomes into one’s life. This emphasis on the power of thoughts and beliefs became one of the key principles of the Law of Attraction.

Furthermore, the New Thought movement advocated for the idea that individuals have a direct connection to the divine or universal consciousness, and by tapping into this connection, one can enhance their ability to manifest their desires. It encouraged individuals to cultivate a sense of spiritual harmony and alignment to facilitate the manifestation process.

The influence of the New Thought movement on the Law of Attraction cannot be overstated. It provided the philosophical foundation and practical techniques that continue to be widely utilized and taught in present times. By comprehending the origins of the Law of Attraction in the New Thought movement, we develop a profound appreciation for its roots and its potential to profoundly transform our lives.

Modern Interpretations

Modern interpretations of the Law of Attraction have evolved over time, incorporating various ideas and beliefs. Here are some key aspects of these modern interpretations:

  1. The power of positive thinking: Modern interpretations of the Law of Attraction emphasize the importance of maintaining a positive mindset. It is believed that positive thoughts and emotions can attract positive outcomes.
  2. The role of visualization: Many proponents of the Law of Attraction suggest that visualizing desired outcomes can help manifest them into reality. By vividly imagining what one wants to achieve, individuals can enhance the chances of attracting those desires.
  3. Energetic vibrations: Modern interpretations of the Law of Attraction often highlight the concept of energetic vibrations. It is believed that everything in the universe is made up of energy, including thoughts and emotions. By aligning one’s thoughts and emotions with their desired goals, they can increase their energetic vibration and attract similar energies.
  4. Acting as if: Another aspect of modern interpretations of the Law of Attraction is the idea of acting as if one has already achieved their goals. By embodying the feelings and behaviors associated with the desired outcome, individuals can attract it into their lives.
  5. Personal responsibility: Modern interpretations of the Law of Attraction emphasize that individuals are responsible for their own experiences. It is believed that through focused intention and self-belief, one can shape their reality and manifest their desires.

By understanding these modern interpretations, individuals can apply the principles of the Law of Attraction to manifest their goals and desires in life.

attracting abundance and wealth

Key Principles of the Law of Attraction

Unlocking the power of the Law of Attraction isn’t just about wishful thinking; it’s about understanding the key principles that drive its effectiveness. In this section, we’ll delve into the fascinating world of the Law of Attraction and explore the role of thoughts and energy in shaping our reality. We’ll also uncover the concept of “like attracts like” and its profound impact on our lives. Finally, we’ll explore the power of manifestation and visualization, revealing how these practices can help us manifest our desires. Get ready to tap into a remarkable force that has the potential to transform your life.

Thoughts and Energy

Thoughts and energy are two key elements that play a crucial role in understanding and utilizing the Law of Attraction. It is important to acknowledge that our thoughts possess the power to shape our reality and attract specific outcomes.

When we delve deeper, we realize that our thoughts are not mere abstract concepts, but rather energetic vibrations that are emitted into the universe. These energetic vibrations create a magnetic field, drawing similar energy towards us. Therefore, by focusing our thoughts on positive desires and goals, we emit positive energy that naturally draws those desires closer.

However, it is essential to be aware that negative thoughts and emotions emanate low-frequency energy, which can inadvertently attract unwanted experiences. This emphasizes the importance of consciously choosing positive and empowering beliefs to align our energy with what we truly wish to attract.

One powerful tool that aids us in manifesting our desires is visualization. Visualization enables us to create a vivid mental image of what we want to attract. By visualizing our desires, we connect with the energetic frequency of those desires, increasing the likelihood of them manifesting into reality.

It is imperative to remember that thoughts and energy go beyond positive thinking alone. They also encompass taking inspired action towards our goals. When we align our thoughts, emotions, and actions, they unite to form a powerful force that propels us towards success.

Like Attracts Like

“Like Attracts Like” is a fundamental principle of the Law of Attraction. This principle suggests that positive thoughts and energy naturally draw in positive experiences and outcomes, while negative thoughts and energy magnetize negative experiences and outcomes. It emphasizes that whatever we focus on, whether consciously or unconsciously, we bring into our lives.

The Law of Attraction operates under the belief that we are all energetic beings, and our thoughts and emotions emit vibrations that align with the energy we emit. Hence, if we cultivate positive thoughts and nurture positive emotions, we will naturally attract positive experiences and individuals into our lives.

Take, for instance, someone who consistently holds the belief and mindset that they deserve wealth and success. They are likely to draw in opportunities and circumstances that align with those thoughts. Conversely, someone who persistently believes they are unworthy or destined for failure will attract experiences that reinforce those negative beliefs.

It is vital to acknowledge that the Law of Attraction does not solely depend on positive thinking but also requires appropriate action towards the desired outcome. Combining positive thoughts and energy with inspired action can manifest the desired results.

Understanding and applying the principle of “like attracts like” empowers individuals to consciously choose their thoughts and emotions, ultimately influencing the experiences and outcomes they bring into their lives.

Manifestation and Visualization

Manifestation and visualization are key principles in the practice of the Law of Attraction, helping individuals align their thoughts and energy with their desired outcomes.

  • Manifestation: Manifestation involves the process of turning thoughts and desires into reality. By focusing on specific goals and maintaining a positive mindset, individuals can attract the circumstances and opportunities needed to achieve their desires.
  • Visualization: Visualization is the technique of creating vivid mental images of one’s desired outcomes. By visualizing success and embodying the emotions associated with achieving their goals, individuals can attract those experiences into their lives.

When practicing manifestation and visualization:

  • Be specific: Clearly define your desires and visualize them in detail. The more specific and detailed the visualization, the stronger the signal you send to the universe.
  • Use all your senses: Engage all your senses when visualizing your desires. Imagine how it will look, feel, sound, taste, and even smell when you have achieved your goals.
  • Believe and feel: Truly believe in the possibility of your desires manifesting and cultivate the emotions you would experience once they are realized. This emotional alignment is crucial in attracting what you desire.
  • Take inspired action: Visualization is a powerful tool, but it needs to be accompanied by inspired action. Take proactive steps towards your goals and seize opportunities as they arise.
  • Practice gratitude: Express gratitude for the manifestations and visualizations that have already come to fruition in your life. Gratitude reinforces a positive mindset and attracts more abundance.

By incorporating manifestation and visualization techniques into your daily practice, you can harness the power of the Law of Attraction to manifest your desires and create a fulfilling life.

The Controversy: Is the Law of Attraction New Age?

Is the Law of Attraction really tied to the New Age movement? Let’s unravel the controversy surrounding its association with this spiritual philosophy. Delving into the definition of New Age and comparing it to the principles of the Law of Attraction, we will explore whether this popular concept is indeed rooted in the New Age beliefs. Hold on tight, as we uncover the truth behind the Law of Attraction and its connection to the ever-evolving landscape of spirituality.

Definition of New Age

The New Age movement, defined as a broad and diverse spiritual movement that emerged in the 1960s and 1970s, incorporates a wide range of beliefs and practices. This movement draws on elements from various religious and philosophical traditions, emphasizing personal growth, spirituality, holistic healing, and alternative therapies. The concept of interconnectedness is embraced, with a focus on the power of positive thinking and the ability to manifest desires through the mind.

The teachings of the New Age movement became popular alongside the Law of Attraction, which suggests that individuals can attract positive or negative experiences into their lives based on their thoughts and emotions. While the Law of Attraction is often associated with New Age beliefs, it is not exclusively limited to this movement. It has gained popularity beyond the New Age community and has been embraced by individuals from various backgrounds.

One true story that exemplifies the definition of the New Age movement involves Sarah, a woman who sought spiritual growth and healing. Finding solace in the teachings of the Law of Attraction, Sarah utilized positive thinking and manifestation exercises to enhance her self-confidence and attract fulfilling relationships and opportunities into her life. Sarah’s experience serves as a testament to the transformative power of the New Age movement and its emphasis on personal empowerment and spiritual development.

Comparison with New Age Beliefs

When comparing the Law of Attraction with New Age beliefs, there are several key differences to consider. These differences can be summarized in a table:

Aspect Law of Attraction New Age Beliefs
Origin The Law of Attraction originated from the New Thought movement in the late 19th century. New Age beliefs encompass a wide range of spiritual practices and philosophies that emerged in the 20th century.
Focus The Law of Attraction focuses on the power of positive thinking and harnessing thoughts and energy to manifest desired outcomes. New Age beliefs often emphasize spiritual growth, alternative healing methods, and metaphysical concepts.
Practices Practices associated with the Law of Attraction include visualization, affirmations, and setting specific goals. New Age beliefs can involve a variety of practices such as meditation, yoga, crystal healing, and astrology.
Scientific Basis The Law of Attraction is often criticized for lacking scientific evidence, although supporters claim that it aligns with quantum physics. New Age beliefs may incorporate some scientific concepts but often rely on metaphysical or spiritual explanations.
Religious Influence The Law of Attraction can be applied irrespective of religious beliefs or used in conjunction with various belief systems. New Age beliefs may draw inspiration from a combination of Eastern religions, indigenous traditions, and esoteric teachings.

Criticism and Support for the Law of Attraction

Criticism and Support for the Law of Attraction - The Law of Attraction: Is it New Age?

Photo Credits: Lawofattractionmanifested.Com by Jeremy Baker

In the realm of the Law of Attraction, there exist both skeptics armed with scientific critiques and believers who swear by personal testimonials and success stories. Brace yourself for a clash of ideas as we delve into the push and pull between criticism and support for this New Age phenomenon. From questioning the scientific validity of the Law of Attraction to being spellbound by inspiring accounts of its transformative power, we’ll explore the diverse perspectives that shape this captivating debate.

Skepticism and Scientific Critiques

Skepticism and scientific critiques are integral in analyzing the validity of the Law of Attraction. Numerous skeptics argue that this concept lacks scientific evidence and should be considered as pseudoscience. They firmly believe that this law fails to meet the rigorous standards set by scientific inquiry.

Scientific critiques primarily focus on the absence of empirical data that supports the claims made by advocates of the Law of Attraction. Skeptics assert that subjective anecdotes and personal testimonials do not provide substantial evidence. They emphasize the necessity of controlled experiments and reproducible results to establish the credibility of any theory.

Furthermore, skeptics draw attention to the possibility of confirmation bias when interpreting the Law of Attraction. They propose that individuals may selectively remember or attribute positive outcomes to this law while ignoring or discrediting contradictory evidence.

It is crucial to recognize that skepticism and scientific critique are essential components of the scientific method. Skepticism encourages critical thinking and the evaluation of claims based on empirical evidence. While the Law of Attraction has its supporters, skeptics play a vital role in maintaining an objective and evidence-based approach to comprehending the phenomena described by this concept.

Personal Testimonials and Success Stories

Personal testimonials and success stories are powerful illustrations of the Law of Attraction in action. These narratives demonstrate how individuals have effectively utilized the principles of the Law of Attraction to manifest their desires and accomplish their objectives.

  • One individual shares their personal story detailing how positive thinking and visualization techniques played a key role in attracting a gratifying romantic relationship. By consistently focusing on their ideal partner and holding firm belief in the possibility of love, they successfully attracted their soulmate into their life.
  • Another person describes how they put the Law of Attraction into practice within their career. Through the use of affirmations, goal setting, and taking inspired action, they managed to manifest a promotion and a significant increase in their income.
  • In one success story, gratitude and mindfulness were employed to enhance overall well-being and happiness. By regularly practicing gratitude and being fully present in each moment, this individual underwent a profound mindset transformation and observed positive changes in various aspects of their life.
  • Furthermore, there exist testimonials from individuals who have harnessed the power of the Law of Attraction to enhance their health. By combining positive thoughts, visualization, and proactive measures towards improved well-being, they successfully cultivated a healthier lifestyle and conquered health challenges.

Pro-tip: While exploring personal testimonials and success stories, bear in mind that each person’s experience is distinct. While these stories can be inspiring and offer guidance, it is crucial to identify what resonates with you and adapt the principles to align them with your own desires and circumstances.

Positive Thinking and Affirmations

Positive thinking and affirmations are key factors in shaping our mindset and overall well-being. By actively choosing positive thoughts and consistently repeating empowering affirmations, we have the ability to cultivate a more optimistic outlook on life. Numerous scientific studies have demonstrated that engaging in positive thinking can greatly enhance our mental health, boost our resilience, and ultimately improve our overall life satisfaction.

When we actively engage in positive self-talk and regularly recite affirmations, we are essentially programming our minds for both success and happiness. By continuously reinforcing positive beliefs and actively visualizing the desired outcomes, we have the power to manifest our goals and aspirations into reality. It is crucial to fully embrace the concept of positive thinking and affirmations in order to develop a growth mindset and unlock our true potential.

Surrounding ourselves with positive influences and eliminating negative ones is fundamental to fully harnessing the power of positive thinking and affirmations. By implementing these practices into our daily lives, we can establish a sustainable foundation for both personal and professional success.

Goal Setting and Action Planning

When it comes to goal setting and action planning, incorporating a systematic approach can greatly enhance your chances of success:

  1. Goal Setting: Clearly identify your objectives, whether it’s a specific outcome, a habit you desire to develop, or a personal milestone.
  2. Action Planning: Break down your goals into smaller, manageable tasks or milestones. This will make it simpler to track progress and maintain motivation.
  3. Timeline Creation: Establish deadlines for each task or milestone. Having a timeline helps maintain focus and ensures consistent progress.
  4. Develop an Action Plan: Outline the specific steps required to reach each milestone. Include thorough details and necessary resources or support.
  5. Progress Tracking: Regularly review and evaluate your progress. Celebrate achievements and make adjustments if necessary.
  6. Maintaining Motivation: Discover ways to stay motivated, such as using rewards, reminding yourself of the benefits of accomplishing your goals, or seeking support from others.

Always remember, goal setting and action planning are crucial tools for transforming your aspirations into reality. By following a systematic approach and staying committed, you can significantly increase your chances of success and achieve your goals.

Gratitude and Mindfulness

Gratitude and Mindfulness - The Law of Attraction: Is it New Age?

Photo Credits: Lawofattractionmanifested.Com by Kevin Baker

Practicing gratitude and mindfulness are crucial habits that can enrich our well-being and foster a feeling of tranquility and contentment.

  • Gratitude: Integrating gratitude into our lives involves recognizing and valuing the positive aspects of life. This practice has the power to enhance our mental health and overall happiness. Taking a few moments every day to contemplate and appreciate the things we are grateful for can significantly improve our perspective on life.
  • Mindfulness: Being fully present in the present moment, without any judgment, is the essence of mindfulness. This practice aids in stress reduction, concentration improvement, and overall well-being enhancement. Engaging in mindfulness exercises, such as deep breathing or meditation, can cultivate a sense of tranquility and mental clarity.

Incorporating gratitude and mindfulness into our daily routines can deeply impact our mental, emotional, and physical health. By practicing gratitude, we can shift our focus from what is lacking to what we already possess, nurturing a positive mindset and viewpoint. Mindfulness enables us to fully embrace and value each moment, leading to improved clarity and a stronger connection with ourselves and the world around us.

Improve Health, Personal Relationships, and Wealth

Improve Health, Personal Relationships, and Wealth - The Law of Attraction: Is it New Age?

Photo Credits: Lawofattractionmanifested.Com by Gerald Baker

Improving health, personal relationships, and wealth can be achieved through the law of attraction. By harnessing the power of positive thinking and visualization, individuals can attract success in these areas. To improve health, focus on affirmations and visualizations of a strong and vibrant body. To enhance personal relationships, cultivate positive thoughts and feelings towards others, fostering love, and harmony. To increase wealth, envision abundance and prosperity, believing in the opportunities that come your way.

In a true story, John, a firm believer in the law of attraction, set his intentions on improving his health, personal relationships, and wealth. He practiced daily affirmations and visualizations, aligning his thoughts and actions with his desires. Over time, John noticed significant improvements in his overall well-being, experiencing increased energy and vitality. His personal relationships flourished as he radiated love and positivity towards others. Additionally, he attracted new opportunities and financial abundance, resulting in the growth of his wealth. John’s success serves as a testament to the power of the law of attraction in improving various aspects of life.

Applying the Law of Attraction in a Christian Perspective

Applying the Law of Attraction in a Christian Perspective - The Law of Attraction: Is it New Age?

Photo Credits: Lawofattractionmanifested.Com by Daniel Taylor

Discover how the Law of Attraction can be understood and applied in a Christian perspective. From exploring biblical truths to uncovering common misinterpretations of scriptures, this section takes you on a journey that combines the principles of the Law of Attraction with the teachings of Christianity. Get ready to delve into the intersection of faith and manifestation, as we dive into the depths of this intriguing topic.

Biblical Truths

Biblical Truths

When considering the Law of Attraction from a Christian perspective, it is crucial to analyze the biblical truths that pertain to this concept. The Bible emphasizes the influence of our thoughts and beliefs in shaping our reality. Proverbs 23:7 explicitly states, ““For as he thinks within himself, so he is.” This verse implies that our thoughts play a pivotal role in determining the outcomes we experience.

In addition, the Bible teaches the principle of sowing and reaping. Galatians 6:7 asserts, ““Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” This principle aligns with the idea of like attracts like, which is also suggested by the Law of Attraction. Therefore, our positive thoughts and actions possess the potential to attract positive outcomes in our lives.

However, it is vital to approach the Law of Attraction with discernment and caution. There is a risk of misinterpreting scriptures or solely relying on personal desires without aligning them with God’s will. Therefore, it is crucial to seek wisdom and guidance from God through prayer and studying His Word.

By comprehending these biblical truths, one can incorporate the principles of the Law of Attraction in a way that harmonizes with Christian beliefs. It is paramount to nurture a mindset and align our desires with God’s purposes, allowing Him to guide and direct our paths.

Always remember that the Law of Attraction is just one tool among many that can assist us in our journey of faith and personal growth.

Misinterpreting Scriptures

When it comes to the Law of Attraction, misinterpreting scriptures can lead to misunderstandings and misconceptions. It is crucial to approach this subject with careful consideration and factual understanding. Here are some important points to keep in mind:

  1. The Law of Attraction is often associated with the belief that positive thoughts and intentions can help individuals manifest their desires.
  2. Some people may mistakenly interpret scriptures to suggest that the Law of Attraction conflicts with religious teachings.
  3. However, it is crucial to examine biblical truths and interpretations within their proper context, rather than extracting individual verses.
  4. By understanding the principles of the Law of Attraction and comparing them to scripture, it becomes evident that the two are not necessarily contradictory.
  5. Misinterpreting scriptures can occur when people solely focus on isolated verses and neglect the broader message and teachings of religious texts.
  6. Interpretations should align with the overall themes of faith, compassion, and purpose that are present in religious teachings.
  7. Avoid cherry-picking verses or passages to support preconceived notions about the Law of Attraction. Instead, seek a comprehensive understanding.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Law of Attraction considered part of the New Age philosophy?

Yes, the Law of Attraction is often associated with the New Age movement. It originated from New Thought teachings in the 19th century and gained renewed exposure in the 21st century with the release of the book and movie “The Secret.”

What are the basic principles of the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction suggests that like energy attracts like energy. It claims that our thoughts and words have the power to manifest positive or negative experiences in our lives. Supporters of this belief often promote practices like positive thinking, visualization, and affirmations to attract desired outcomes.

Does the Law of Attraction have scientific evidence?

No, there is no scientific evidence supporting the Law of Attraction. It is considered pseudoscience by mainstream scientific communities. Skeptics argue that the evidence provided is anecdotal and susceptible to confirmation bias.

How does the Law of Attraction align with the Christian worldview?

The Law of Attraction contradicts biblical teachings that emphasize relying on God’s sovereignty rather than trying to manifest happiness and prosperity through personal efforts. Christians are encouraged to trust in God, seek His will in prayer, and receive blessings and prosperity through a covenant relationship with Jesus rather than manipulating the universe.

Can the Law of Attraction be misinterpreted by Christians?

Yes, some Christians may misinterpret biblical verses, such as Matthew 7:7, to support the Law of Attraction. However, the true meaning of these verses is that prayers are answered according to God’s will, not based on one’s thoughts or desires.

Is the Law of Attraction a con or exploitation?

Critics argue that the Law of Attraction can be a con used to exploit vulnerable individuals and their desire for happiness and prosperity. Proponents of the law often blame individuals for its failure, promoting a blame-the-victim mentality.